Wednesday, 21 May 2008


Yesterday's long run wasn't exactly the best. After about 11 or 12 miles the soles of my feet began hurting ... and they just got worse and worse. Must remember NOT to wear Nike Air Max Bounty on long runs.

For today's long run I wore Nike Shox Saya and they caused no problems at all. I think the cushioning on the shox range is brilliant - forefoot and heel. I've worn them in three 24 hr races with no problems at all, which is exceptional for such a heavy footed runner like me. The only problem is that they're not easy to find in this country.

Today I tried something a little different (I blame the club coach, Hugh). I set off at my usual pace and every couple of miles I upped the pace by 5 to 10 seconds per mile. Over 20 miles that makes the last couple of miles a fair bit quicker than the first. Overall it was harder than anticipated towards the end, but not too daunting for next time ... a good workout.

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