Monday, 17 January 2011

future championships races (but not this year)

My rehab is progressing well after a so-so day on Saturday when my left knee ached for 30 minutes or so every once in a while.

Renewed my acquaintance with the 2I's* and yesterday was fine and today has been really good too.  This morning I managed alternating running and walking for 55 minutes and my knee still feels great.  I've stopped doing a couple of exercises though which may have been making the situation worse, standing quads stretch for instance.

Also, I've decided to add walking to my training schedule.  Ultra runners actually walk quite a bit during extra long races so it does make sense to include a bit of training for that side of the race.  I know a few others have done this (William Sichel for example) but for some reason I haven't ... until I began reading the biography of Arthur Newton referred to in a previous post.

Recent news from the IAU website:  venues and dates have been chosen for the following major competitions:

World 100k Championships ... Apr 2012 ... Seregno (Monza-Brianza), Italy
World 24 hr Championships ... Sep 2012 ... Katowice, Poland
World 24 hr Championships ... May 2013 ... Steenbergen, Netherlands

A couple of things to aim for then but Pam Storey may not be too pleased.

* ice and ibuprofen

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