Friday, 4 April 2008

Another Milestone

Just found out that my cheque for the Hull 24 hour race has been cashed. I guess this means my entry has been accepted. I was beginning to worry about my entry being lost in the post or rejected or ... Anyway, it's one less thing to worry about.

Today I ran, for the first time this year, without icing my achilles beforehand. Not far - only 5 or 6 miles - but another milestone nonetheless.

Yesterday William Sichel put me in the direction of an article about racing nutrition he's recently written. I've not had time to read it properly yet but at first glance it seems very good indeed.

1 comment:

Phil Robertson said...

Hi Chris,

Just came across your blog! Looks like the recovery is going really well. It's frustrating, but it sounds like you're almost there.

Keep it up!

Phil The Younger(Otley AC)