Saturday, 17 March 2012

training and helping

Over the past week or so I've had a few requests for help from fellow club members who have either entered today's Hardmoors 55 or are running the 52 mile Slieve Bloom Way at Easter for charity.

I'm always happy to help and pass on the benefits of my - relatively short - experience, especially if those runners are likely to think about doing more ultra stuff.  Especially on the roads and/or track rather than trail.  That's just my personal bias, I've nothing against trail races really.

I always try to be careful not to provide to much information at first (I don't want to scare people away) because, unlike the shorter distances there is much more that runners need to know and be aware of.  Hopefully they will enjoy their first forays beyond the marathon and want to run more, and try to increase their times and/or distances.  Keeping me on my toes too.

So, all the best to Matt and Matt today and to Liam in a few weeks time.

For me this morning was a speed session.  Very early.  12 x 200m at 7.30am is anything but easy, especially with a weighted bag on my back.  I often do stuff to make my training harder than it need be - somehow it makes the training a bit different ... and the races a bit easier !!!!

Ran well though and hit all my targets before spending an hour on the bike and then doing some core exercises.  A good day's work.  So far.

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